Today I woke up and climbed out of my bed and walked tiredly down stairs. After that I had some cereals they were delicious. After that I took my pyjamas of and put my smart school uniform on my body. Soon at 8 o'clock I started to walk to school with my sister and dad I don't usually go with my dad it's just because he broke up with school on the Friday . Once I dropped my sister and I unpacked my bag I did assembly we did a song called ,, Jesus the king has risen,, and we learnt about how Jesus came back down to earth but in heaven. After that we did numeracy it was a bit confusing how you had to count little lines. After that it was fruit break. I put my coat on and went out side I played with Lydia. We had to always step on the other players shadow it got extremely harder because the player had to run and you had to stay on their shadow. After that the bell went and we went inside school to see the teachers we had fruit and drink time I had apple and a drink of water. Then we had literacy we had to plan a story about a transport and the type of vehicle had to be magic so it could move to a different place I was in 3 story's a witch in one story by Luke a small Florrie and big Florrie in one story by Tom and a fairy in a other story by Lydia. Then it was 12 0clock I had lunch a pot of tuna pasta because fish is the only meat I eat I also had a strawberry yogurt And a home made biscuit.
Then we went out for another play I did skipping with Tianna. Then we had R.E we learnt about Jesus and how he rose like we did in assembly. Then we did art and made cards for Easter.