Saturday 30 December 2006


Christmas eve ... it was Christmas eve and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. First everybody started of really tired. So we had a good idea. we wanted to go for a walk. so we drove in are car like everyone would know! and it was quite a long journey. and suddenly we got there it was a bit cold. but it wouldn't stop us on are adventure. after we got are coats on and hats and gloves and scarfs and we walked over the mountains and we saw a stone sculpture and lots of dogs it was like dog city! know let me tell you what I did the other day with my brothers friend and phoebe and Theo and of course I needed a grownup so poor Mum had to do it Dad was on the safe side but know let me tell you what I actually did I went Ice skating I was really fast. but I will tell you what I was going so fast I fell over 5 times and it hurt! Oh yes and I had a strawberry triple crazy shake but if your wondering what they are crazy shakes are a milk shake and they put all kinds of things in even crazy stuff like cucumber! know that is crazy.and the day before I was an Angel in the Nativity play. and the day before that I went Christmas caroling. Oh no you know my title's what i did at Xmas never mind .on Xmas day I stayed at home and Santa came! And brought me a flower presser and a hair band and some hair clips and some chocolate in fact I don't mean some chocolate I mean tuns and I was really impressed with what I had. And from mum and dad I had are you ready I had high school musical on dvd and the book.

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