Monday, 3 December 2007
Great news
My Birthday( even though it was ages ago)
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Dear readers Santa has gave me a letter on this website called north I have copied and pasted it onto blogger. Here it is
Dear Florrie, | |
Once my sleigh is packed and ready to go, I'll be off on my journey around the world. I'm reading your letter right now, and it looks like you've been a very nice girl this year. That makes me so happy. Keep up the good work! While you are asleep on Christmas Eve, the reindeer will land my sleigh on your rooftop so I can hop down your chimney. I see that you like sports. I like sports too. My favorite outdoor sport is ice skating. I always have so much fun when I get to ice skate with Mrs. Claus and the elves, and it's great to be out in the fresh air and get a lot of exercise! The elves have been very busy this year making lots of new and different sports stuff for Christmas! I'm really excited about making my big trip on Christmas Eve! Remember, you have to be asleep when I come, so make sure you go to bed on time! Ho! Ho! Ho! Have a Merry Christmas! Your Special Friend, Santa ho ho ho | |
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Yesterday I had another blue peter badge. This time it was a BLUE badge not a purple badge I am taking it in to school today. Also yester at school we were doing sport coaching and a boy from my class waked me soooo hard with a tennis racket it was bleeding like mad on my nose. Or I think I am making you scared now.
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Kittens in a box!!!
Saturday, 17 November 2007

Today I went to drama club (in drama I’m the main character ‘the pied piper)
After that I went home and found the most important letter of my life now I mean important. I had got a are you sure you want to hear it I got a BLUE PETER BADGE!!!!! I have just been waiting a long time and trying to earn one for a long time. It had been one of the exiting moments off my life. You know it was not a BLUE Peter badge it was a PURPLE Blue Peter badge. Now I guess you readers want to know how I got the badge. Are you listening I had to fill in a form of one of my favourite blue peter episode. I also went gardening at my school because we are trying to make a beautiful garden . Mr. Gue came too and Mr.Bacon came. Mr .Gue saw my blue peter badge and he asked’’ how did you get it’’ I said I had to fill in a form’’ He said ‘’ I’m very jealous don’t you have to do something nice like help a grandma across the road!’’ We had a BBQ there I am a vegetarian so I just had a pice of bread with tomato ketchup inside
Friday, 16 November 2007
Friday, 3 August 2007
Disney Part 1
Last week I went to Disney land
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Rapping Robot
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
My Potatoes
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
My school trip to Clevedon.
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
In the summer holidays I'm going to disney land.
In the summer holidays me and my family is going to Disney land Paris I really want to go on the flying
elephants but I am defiantly not going to go on the scary rides. I am going on the tunnel channel a train what goes under water but you cant see out of the window it is just plane black. I am hopeing to go on a tea party with a Disney charecter. I will stay in a hotel with it's own swimming pool. I will write some more soon after I've been to Disney land Paris. So dont miss out.

Monday, 2 April 2007
What I did today
Then we went out for another play I did skipping with Tianna. Then we had R.E we learnt about Jesus and how he rose like we did in assembly. Then we did art and made cards for Easter.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Samuel Pepes
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
My Blue Peter poem
nice to meet yar!
I am your NO:1 fan
Did you know that I am your man?
My names Florrie.
So don't be sorry.
I watch TV
and guess who i see
We have two compost bins to recycle all of our fruit and vegetable's. We also put paper in so all the fruit doesn't get soggy.And if that happens the bugs and insects wont rot down and it needs to rot down because when the insects chew it turns into soil and the people can use the soil to make there garden grow and to make it healthy and it will take roughly about 9 months to rot down. If you put a compost bin in the skip it causes methane in the landfill sight and that is a type of gas . And that is along time. Everyone should really put vegetable peelings and apple coir's and banana skins and orange peelings. When we tip our compost out to make some air through. Our chickens love pecking on it! Lots of compost bins are tallish and a nice strong thick dark black.
Sunday, 25 March 2007
My Eco Garden
and. I have reused plastic bottles. I first started with planting some seeds I planted some runner beans, potatoes, peas, onion bulbs and sweetcorn and carrots and nasturtiums and my favourite lettuce. We reused plastic bottles for keeping The insects away because we didn't want to harm any animals. We also used them for making plastic flowers for the fish pond. We hope we get to eat our plants. If we don't it doesn't matter at all. Later on in April were going to plant asparagus because it takes three years to sew. We are also planting parsnip. We even reused orange nets to put over some vegetables. I love to be involved in the environment. And my Mum is a Eco expert because she is a real super star to the planet because her job is to go to schools and say why you need to recycle and she makes paper by useing pulp and water and she made her own syve for paper makeing to make paper instead of useing trees. And we have two compost bins. And we have bins ones for plastic and ones for cans.
Saturday, 27 January 2007
High school musical
Behind the boards in the school was a little girl named Taylor. She was talking to the school decathlon people and suddenly the bell went. And Taylor waved in a funny way. The next scene was the entrance 'cause Gabriella was starting at east high. She said '' mum my my stomach and just then her mum said'' the resalways room for a lovely girl. Then the head master said I hope your your light will light shine very bright at here this way and the head master showed her to her class. In her class she gave Mrs. Darbus a sheet of paper. And said excuse me to Sharpay. And sat at her desk. Then Sharpay said '' hi Troy and troy said very shy hi.
chapter 5
High school musical
then it was time to go to school well for Troy and Gabriella. But did I tell you that Troy was the team captain so when he got out the mini bus his friend called Chad was in the basket ball team. And Chad had curly hair. And just that minute Troy said ''happy new year. And just then Chad burst in and said'' yeah happy wild cat new year because in 2 weeks we are going to be champions with you leading us behind. And wildcats is the team they play for. And then they went inside. And a girl named Sharpay was walking while she was showing off her new cloths. Then all the wild cats were all in a bundle. Squished together. And Sharpay let out her arm trying to be trendy. By the way Sharpay is not a dog. And then they talked about Sharpay and said looks like the princess has returns from the North Pole said Jason. Then Chad said '' Sharpay been doing this and that and the team said why did you say and and then Chad said the last word off his sentence Shopping for mirrors.
Chapter 3 will be written today or tomorrow
Friday, 26 January 2007
Story of high school musical
chapoter 2 tommorow or soon
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Ann Frank
Sunday, 21 January 2007
What I Did Today And Yester Day.
Today Billy came round and they were on the computer all day.
Sunday, 14 January 2007
What I did Today
Monday, 8 January 2007
Saturday, 6 January 2007
A happy January day
and then mum took me round to my friend Sadie's house.
Friday, 5 January 2007
last day of week.
Thursday, 4 January 2007
Sisters 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I woke up from my bed and I remembered it was my sisters birthday. she was 9. We watched her open her pressies. She got a PS2, a make up bag, bingo and lots more other things.The day before she went to London. But unfortunately the train was late.and it was a nightmare . All the tickets were sold out for the big slides. And they went to the zoo. And it was a very long walk to get to the zoo.And when they got there it was closeing down. So they got on a taxi to tate modern. And they said lets go and have a look at the big slides. But guess what when they where looking at the slides someone said do you want some tickets and she gave them four spare tickets. And they where so thankfull. After they went down the slides. They poped along to the London eye. And they went on that And they had there lunch. And went on the train back home. And someone gave phoebe 5 pounds.!!!!!And some girls where singing on the train. A nd a old man said to the girls shut up. And another old man kept on saying swaure words.