Tuesday, 28 October 2008
The next day I changed into my clothes and got into there car. Linda yelled, ‘’ girls today were going to Crealys in Devon!’’ Lydia said with confusion,’’ huh what is Crealys’’ her mum replied a amazing theme park!
It took a couple of hours to get there but Finally we got there a bush separated the car park and theme park but over the hedge we could se a enormous roller coaster well two. During the day my most favourite rides were the Loco Coaster and the scary tidal wave and the meteorite. The loco coaster was a big roller coaster and the first time I went on it I came of and I could barely walk I was shivering with happiness because that was one of the first proper roller-coasters I had ever been on. During the day I went on that ride 12 times! The tidal wave was massive, you sat on a log boat with no seat belts and then you went up a steep roller coaster hill flooding with water you knew what was coming next the FALL!!! I screamed like a 2 year old girl. In the eight years of my life all the talking I’ve ever done put together is how much noise I made then you turned a bend and started to go up a bigger hill until you reached the top and a dark hill awaited you suddenly you dropped down and couldn’t see anything but you certainly heard water splashing you popped out the end of the tunnel and noticed you were covered in cold water for a reminder I brought myself a key ring. One of my other favourite rides was the meteorite it was where there was a long pole going upwards with a big carriage on it. You sat in the carriage with the maximum of about 10 people could sit on. You put on a metal bar over your head to keep you on then it quickly lifted up then down. You went up to the top of the pole then went to the middle then up again and all the way down and it kept on repeating.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Muma mia!

About 2 days ago I went on a trip to Cineworld. To watch a new hit Mamma mia! If you’ve read my dads blog and you discovered his love of Mamma mia! I also
have to admit I’m on his side I really enjoyed the film. I’m now even listening on you tube to honey’ honey my favourite song from the movie. I am the sort of girl who enjoys clothes fashion Disney channel especially Hannah Montannah and of course I Love with a cherry on top High School Musical. I cant barely wait for High school Musical 3 on the 24th of October and what can make that even better nothing (wrong) It’s two days away from my birthday So here’s the plan on the 24th of October I go to watch High School Musical with 1friend and then October the 26th I have a party with some more friends? You like the plan ?
see ya from flo
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Yesterday me and my friend called Lydia went to the Mohair centre well actually the Dick Whittington farm is its new name but any way the mohair centre or the Dick Whittington whichever you prefer is a inside play area the ones with ball pits, Drop slides and trampolines there is also much more but they were only e.g. Lydia is a brown haired girl with a sort of bob who wares pink glasses she has a sister called Rebecca who is moving from year 1 to year 2. Rebecca invited a friend called Laura... Me and
After a long day we got an ice cream and went to the gift shop. My ice cream was a Nobbly Bobbly mmmmmmmmmm it was like heaven eating that lolly! In the gift shop I got a frog that when you poke the middle of it sticks his tongue out and a snake pen that wiggles around.
Monday, 28 July 2008
London trip

On Thursday me and my dad went to
summer break
SUPER sorry!
Hi ,
I am soooo SUPER!!! Sorry <><><><> I haven’t done a post since ages. Please let me off I have been extremely mega busy. No worries I can now tell you about those hectic times on my blog
p.s if you can try and look at my posts above
pp.s thanks again for waiting
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Monday, 7 January 2008
happy 2008 and have you had a nice Xmas?
C#1 I am used to reminding you about good memorys
C#2 You can put me on the TV to see all your good memorys
C#3 My first word with V and I
C#4 My second word begings with C and A
C#5 the first word has 5 words in The second word has 6 letters in
Monday, 3 December 2007
Great news
My Birthday( even though it was ages ago)
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Dear readers Santa has gave me a letter on this website called north pole.com I have copied and pasted it onto blogger. Here it is
Dear Florrie, | |
Once my sleigh is packed and ready to go, I'll be off on my journey around the world. I'm reading your letter right now, and it looks like you've been a very nice girl this year. That makes me so happy. Keep up the good work! While you are asleep on Christmas Eve, the reindeer will land my sleigh on your rooftop so I can hop down your chimney. I see that you like sports. I like sports too. My favorite outdoor sport is ice skating. I always have so much fun when I get to ice skate with Mrs. Claus and the elves, and it's great to be out in the fresh air and get a lot of exercise! The elves have been very busy this year making lots of new and different sports stuff for Christmas! I'm really excited about making my big trip on Christmas Eve! Remember, you have to be asleep when I come, so make sure you go to bed on time! Ho! Ho! Ho! Have a Merry Christmas! Your Special Friend, Santa ho ho ho | |
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Yesterday I had another blue peter badge. This time it was a BLUE badge not a purple badge I am taking it in to school today. Also yester at school we were doing sport coaching and a boy from my class waked me soooo hard with a tennis racket it was bleeding like mad on my nose. Or I think I am making you scared now.
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Kittens in a box!!!
Saturday, 17 November 2007

Today I went to drama club (in drama I’m the main character ‘the pied piper)
After that I went home and found the most important letter of my life now I mean important. I had got a are you sure you want to hear it I got a BLUE PETER BADGE!!!!! I have just been waiting a long time and trying to earn one for a long time. It had been one of the exiting moments off my life. You know it was not a BLUE Peter badge it was a PURPLE Blue Peter badge. Now I guess you readers want to know how I got the badge. Are you listening I had to fill in a form of one of my favourite blue peter episode. I also went gardening at my school because we are trying to make a beautiful garden . Mr. Gue came too and Mr.Bacon came. Mr .Gue saw my blue peter badge and he asked’’ how did you get it’’ I said I had to fill in a form’’ He said ‘’ I’m very jealous don’t you have to do something nice like help a grandma across the road!’’ We had a BBQ there I am a vegetarian so I just had a pice of bread with tomato ketchup inside
Friday, 16 November 2007
Friday, 3 August 2007
Disney Part 1
Last week I went to Disney land
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Rapping Robot
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
My Potatoes
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
My school trip to Clevedon.
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
In the summer holidays I'm going to disney land.
In the summer holidays me and my family is going to Disney land Paris I really want to go on the flying
elephants but I am defiantly not going to go on the scary rides. I am going on the tunnel channel a train what goes under water but you cant see out of the window it is just plane black. I am hopeing to go on a tea party with a Disney charecter. I will stay in a hotel with it's own swimming pool. I will write some more soon after I've been to Disney land Paris. So dont miss out.

Monday, 2 April 2007
What I did today
Then we went out for another play I did skipping with Tianna. Then we had R.E we learnt about Jesus and how he rose like we did in assembly. Then we did art and made cards for Easter.